Documentation for FMI Meteorological Objects

Complex Type: SurfacePrecipitationAreaType

[Table of contents]

Super-types: gml:AbstractFeatureType < AbstractMeteorologicalObjectType (by extension) < AbstractSurfaceObjectType (by extension) < SurfacePrecipitationAreaType (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name SurfacePrecipitationAreaType
Used by (from the same schema document) Element SurfacePrecipitationArea
Abstract no

Area of precipitation to be observed on the ground. Area is modelled as continuous patch of abstract earth surface (without topology) defined by an exterior Ring and 0..n interior Rings ("holes").

Exactly one rain (water) phase can be defined for the area.

The continuity (as in continuous rain) and the showeriness (as in rain showers) of the rain can both be specified as a floating point number between 0 and 1.

Precipitation areas may contain 0..n inner areas with different rain phase, continuity and/or showeriness qualities. These area are defined by using innerArea element which is a property containing or referring to another SurfacePrecipitationArea object. The exterior of the contained area object must be completely inside the exterior and not even partly cover the area inside any of the interior Rings of the parent object. If a value for any of the qualities is not given, it is assumed to be the same as in its parent.

XML Instance Representation
<!-- ' gml:AbstractFeatureType ' super type was not found in this schema. Some elements and attributes may be missing. -->
<metobj:createTime> xs:dateTime </metobj:createTime> [1]
<metobj:validTime> metobj:ValidTimePerioidPropertyType </metobj:validTime> [1]
<metobj:latestModificationTime> xs:dateTime </metobj:latestModificationTime> [0..1]
<metobj:shortInfo> metobj:shortLocalizedStringType </metobj:shortInfo> [0..*]
<metobj:longInfo> metobj:longLocalizedStringType </metobj:longInfo> [0..*]
<metobj:usedReferenceData> metobj:DataSourcePropertyType </metobj:usedReferenceData> [0..*]
interpolation=" gml:SurfaceInterpolationType [0..1]"> [1]
<!-- ' gml:AbstractSurfacePatchType ' super type was not found in this schema. Some elements and attributes may be missing. -->
<gml:exterior> ... </gml:exterior> [0..1]
<gml:interior> ... </gml:interior> [0..*]
<metobj:elevation> metobj:ElevationPropertyType </metobj:elevation> [0..1]
<metobj:rainPhase> metobj:rainPhaseType </metobj:rainPhase> [0..1]
<metobj:continuity> metobj:percentageType </metobj:continuity> [0..1]
<metobj:showeriness> metobj:percentageType </metobj:showeriness> [0..1]
<metobj:innerArea> metobj:SurfacePrecipitationAreaPropertyType </metobj:innerArea> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="SurfacePrecipitationAreaType">
<xs:extension base=" metobj:AbstractSurfaceObjectType ">
<xs:element name="rainPhase" type=" metobj:rainPhaseType " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xs:element name="continuity" type=" metobj:percentageType " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xs:element name="showeriness" type=" metobj:percentageType " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xs:element name="innerArea" type=" metobj:SurfacePrecipitationAreaPropertyType " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>