Documentation for FMI Meteorological Objects

Complex Type: PointGeophysicalParameterRangeType

[Table of contents]

Super-types: gml:AbstractFeatureType < AbstractMeteorologicalObjectType (by extension) < AbstractPointObjectType (by extension) < PointGeophysicalParameterRangeType (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name PointGeophysicalParameterRangeType
Used by (from the same schema document) Element PointGeophysicalParameterRange
Abstract no

Value range of a geophysical parameter (temperature, pressure, humidity,..) at some point-like location and at a specific time. The truth value of this statement is not considered here, value may be speculative (forecast). The main intention for objects of this type is to represent forecast parameter value ranges on a map.

Preferred font size in points for the label can specified with the preferredRenderingSize property by using "pt" as the uom (Unit Of Measure) attribute of "value".

XML Instance Representation
<!-- ' gml:AbstractFeatureType ' super type was not found in this schema. Some elements and attributes may be missing. -->
<metobj:createTime> xs:dateTime </metobj:createTime> [1]
<metobj:validTime> metobj:ValidTimePerioidPropertyType </metobj:validTime> [1]
<metobj:latestModificationTime> xs:dateTime </metobj:latestModificationTime> [0..1]
<metobj:shortInfo> metobj:shortLocalizedStringType </metobj:shortInfo> [0..*]
<metobj:longInfo> metobj:longLocalizedStringType </metobj:longInfo> [0..*]
<metobj:usedReferenceData> metobj:DataSourcePropertyType </metobj:usedReferenceData> [0..*]
<metobj:location> metobj:PointLocationPropertyType </metobj:location> [1]
<metobj:priority> xs:int </metobj:priority> [0..1]
<metobj:lowerLimit> xs:double </metobj:lowerLimit> [0..1]
<metobj:upperLimit> xs:double </metobj:upperLimit> [0..1]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="PointGeophysicalParameterRangeType">
<xs:extension base=" metobj:AbstractPointObjectType ">
<xs:element name="parameter" type=" metobj:GeophysicalParameterPropertyType " minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xs:element name="lowerLimit" type=" xs:double " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xs:element name="upperLimit" type=" xs:double " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>