Documentation for FMI Meteorological Objects

Complex Type: ParameterValueAreaPropertyType

[Table of contents]

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name ParameterValueAreaPropertyType
Used by (from the same schema document) Element parameterValueAreaProperty
Abstract no
Documentation To be used when using this object type as property of n GML object type according to the GML object-property-association model (it is not allowed for GML Objects to contain other GML Objects as direct children). Enables referencing to an existing object using xlink:href attribute.
XML Instance Representation
<metobj:ParameterValueArea> ... </metobj:ParameterValueArea> [0..1]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="ParameterValueAreaPropertyType">
<xs:element ref=" metobj:ParameterValueArea " minOccurs="0"/>