
Used by
Element gml:AbstractCoordinateOperation
gml:AbstractCoordinateOperation is a mathematical operation on coordinates that transforms or converts coordinates to another coordinate reference system. Many but not all coordinate operations (from CRS A to CRS B) also uniquely define the inverse operation (from CRS B to CRS A). In some cases, the operation method algorithm for the inverse operation is the same as for the forward algorithm, but the signs of some operation parameter values shall be reversed. In other cases, different algorithms are required for the forward and inverse operations, but the same operation parameter values are used. If (some) entirely different parameter values are needed, a different coordinate operation shall be defined.
The optional coordinateOperationAccuracy property elements provide estimates of the impact of this coordinate operation on point position accuracy.
Diagram docindex1.tmp#id82 docindex2.tmp#id76 docindex3.tmp#id97 docindex4.tmp#id99 docindex5.tmp#id103 docindex6.tmp#id108 docindex7.tmp#id75 docindex8.tmp#id74 docindex1.tmp#id82 docindex2.tmp#id76 docindex3.tmp#id97 docindex4.tmp#id99 docindex5.tmp#id103 docindex6.tmp#id108 docindex89.tmp#id414 docindex90.tmp#id415 docindex91.tmp#id413 docindex92.tmp#id412 docindex108.tmp#id895 docindex109.tmp#id967 docindex203.tmp#id1008 docindex204.tmp#id1009 docindex205.tmp#id1118 docindex206.tmp#id1122 docindex547.tmp#id1007 docindex244.tmp#id1125 docindex994.tmp#id738
Type gml:AbstractCoordinateOperationType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
abstract: true
Used by
Model gml:metaDataProperty* , gml:description{0,1} , gml:descriptionReference{0,1} , gml:identifier , gml:name* , gml:remarks{0,1} , gml:domainOfValidity{0,1} , gml:scope+ , gml:operationVersion{0,1} , gml:coordinateOperationAccuracy* , gml:sourceCRS{0,1} , gml:targetCRS{0,1}
Children gml:coordinateOperationAccuracy, gml:description, gml:descriptionReference, gml:domainOfValidity, gml:identifier, gml:metaDataProperty, gml:name, gml:operationVersion, gml:remarks, gml:scope, gml:sourceCRS, gml:targetCRS
<gml:AbstractCoordinateOperation gml:id="">
  <gml:metaDataProperty about="" xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" nilReason="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{0,unbounded}</gml:metaDataProperty>
  <gml:description xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" nilReason="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{0,1}</gml:description>
  <gml:descriptionReference xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" nilReason="" owns="false" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{0,1}</gml:descriptionReference>
  <gml:identifier codeSpace="">{1,1}</gml:identifier>
  <gml:name codeSpace="">{0,unbounded}</gml:name>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gml:id ID required
The attribute gml:id supports provision of a handle for the XML element representing a GML Object. Its use is mandatory for all GML objects. It is of XML type ID, so is constrained to be unique in the XML document within which it occurs.
<element name="AbstractCoordinateOperation" type="gml:AbstractCoordinateOperationType" abstract="true" substitutionGroup="gml:Definition">
    <documentation>gml:AbstractCoordinateOperation is a mathematical operation on coordinates that transforms or converts coordinates to another coordinate reference system. Many but not all coordinate operations (from CRS A to CRS B) also uniquely define the inverse operation (from CRS B to CRS A). In some cases, the operation method algorithm for the inverse operation is the same as for the forward algorithm, but the signs of some operation parameter values shall be reversed. In other cases, different algorithms are required for the forward and inverse operations, but the same operation parameter values are used. If (some) entirely different parameter values are needed, a different coordinate operation shall be defined. The optional coordinateOperationAccuracy property elements provide estimates of the impact of this coordinate operation on point position accuracy.</documentation>
Schema location