
Element gml:CubicSpline
The number of control points shall be at least three.
vectorAtStart is the unit tangent vector at the start point of the spline. vectorAtEnd is the unit tangent vector at the end point of the spline. Only the direction of the vectors shall be used to determine the shape of the cubic spline, not their length.
interpolation is fixed as "cubicSpline".
degree shall be the degree of the polynomial used for the interpolation in this spline. Therefore the degree for a cubic spline is fixed to "3".
The content model follows the general pattern for the encoding of curve segments.
Diagram docindex298.tmp#id549 docindex298.tmp#id550 docindex298.tmp#id551 docindex298.tmp#id548 docindex493.tmp#id586 docindex493.tmp#id587 docindex148.tmp#id125 docindex149.tmp#id268 docindex150.tmp#id273 docindex151.tmp#id274 docindex152.tmp#id126 docindex493.tmp#id584 docindex493.tmp#id585 docindex493.tmp#id583
Type gml:CubicSplineType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Model (gml:pos | gml:pointProperty | gml:pointRep | gml:posList | gml:coordinates) , gml:vectorAtStart , gml:vectorAtEnd
Children gml:coordinates, gml:pointProperty, gml:pointRep, gml:pos, gml:posList, gml:vectorAtEnd, gml:vectorAtStart
<gml:CubicSpline degree="3" interpolation="cubicSpline" numDerivativeInterior="0" numDerivativesAtEnd="0" numDerivativesAtStart="0">
  <gml:pos axisLabels="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:pos>
  <gml:pointProperty xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" nilReason="" owns="false" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{1,1}</gml:pointProperty>
  <gml:pointRep xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" nilReason="" owns="false" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{1,1}</gml:pointRep>
  <gml:posList axisLabels="" count="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:posList>
  <gml:coordinates cs="," decimal="." ts=" ">{1,1}</gml:coordinates>
  <gml:vectorAtStart axisLabels="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:vectorAtStart>
  <gml:vectorAtEnd axisLabels="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:vectorAtEnd>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
degree integer 3 optional
interpolation gml:CurveInterpolationType cubicSpline optional
numDerivativeInterior integer 0 optional
numDerivativesAtEnd integer 0 optional
numDerivativesAtStart integer 0 optional
<element name="CubicSpline" type="gml:CubicSplineType" substitutionGroup="gml:AbstractCurveSegment">
    <documentation>The number of control points shall be at least three. vectorAtStart is the unit tangent vector at the start point of the spline. vectorAtEnd is the unit tangent vector at the end point of the spline. Only the direction of the vectors shall be used to determine the shape of the cubic spline, not their length. interpolation is fixed as "cubicSpline". degree shall be the degree of the polynomial used for the interpolation in this spline. Therefore the degree for a cubic spline is fixed to "3". The content model follows the general pattern for the encoding of curve segments.</documentation>
Schema location