Defines allowed values for the knots` type. Uniform knots implies that all knots are of multiplicity 1 and they differ by a positive constant from the preceding knot. Knots are quasi-uniform iff they are of multiplicity (degree + 1) at the ends, of multiplicity 1 elsewhere, and they differ by a positive constant from the preceding knot.
<simpleType name="KnotTypesType"><annotation><documentation>Defines allowed values for the knots` type. Uniform knots implies that all knots are of multiplicity 1 and they differ by a positive constant from the preceding knot. Knots are quasi-uniform iff they are of multiplicity (degree + 1) at the ends, of multiplicity 1 elsewhere, and they differ by a positive constant from the preceding knot.</documentation></annotation><restriction base="string"><enumeration value="uniform"/><enumeration value="quasiUniform"/><enumeration value="piecewiseBezier"/></restriction></simpleType>