
Element gml:ArcByCenterPoint
This variant of the arc requires that the points on the arc shall be computed instead of storing the coordinates directly. The single control point is the center point of the arc plus the radius and the bearing at start and end. This representation can be used only in 2D.
The element radius specifies the radius of the arc.
The element startAngle specifies the bearing of the arc at the start.
The element endAngle specifies the bearing of the arc at the end.
The interpolation is fixed as "circularArcCenterPointWithRadius".
Since this type describes always a single arc, the attribute "numArc" is fixed to "1".
The content model follows the general pattern for the encoding of curve segments.
Diagram index88.tmp#id478 index88.tmp#id479 index88.tmp#id480 index88.tmp#id477 index89.tmp#id508 index89.tmp#id509 index90.tmp#id119 index91.tmp#id327 index92.tmp#id328 index93.tmp#id329 index94.tmp#id120 index89.tmp#id504 index89.tmp#id506 index89.tmp#id507 index89.tmp#id503 index1348.tmp#id469
Type gml:ArcByCenterPointType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Model (gml:pos | gml:pointProperty | gml:pointRep | gml:posList | gml:coordinates) , gml:radius , gml:startAngle{0,1} , gml:endAngle{0,1}
Children gml:coordinates, gml:endAngle, gml:pointProperty, gml:pointRep, gml:pos, gml:posList, gml:radius, gml:startAngle
<gml:ArcByCenterPoint interpolation="circularArcCenterPointWithRadius" numArc="1" numDerivativeInterior="0" numDerivativesAtEnd="0" numDerivativesAtStart="0">
  <gml:pos axisLabels="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:pos>
  <gml:pointProperty xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" nilReason="" owns="false" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{1,1}</gml:pointProperty>
  <gml:pointRep xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" nilReason="" owns="false" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{1,1}</gml:pointRep>
  <gml:posList axisLabels="" count="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:posList>
  <gml:coordinates cs="," decimal="." ts=" ">{1,1}</gml:coordinates>
  <gml:radius uom="">{1,1}</gml:radius>
  <gml:startAngle uom="">{0,1}</gml:startAngle>
  <gml:endAngle uom="">{0,1}</gml:endAngle>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
interpolation gml:CurveInterpolationType circularArcCenterPointWithRadius optional
numArc integer 1 required
numDerivativeInterior integer 0 optional
numDerivativesAtEnd integer 0 optional
numDerivativesAtStart integer 0 optional
<element name="ArcByCenterPoint" type="gml:ArcByCenterPointType" substitutionGroup="gml:AbstractCurveSegment">
    <documentation>This variant of the arc requires that the points on the arc shall be computed instead of storing the coordinates directly. The single control point is the center point of the arc plus the radius and the bearing at start and end. This representation can be used only in 2D. The element radius specifies the radius of the arc. The element startAngle specifies the bearing of the arc at the start. The element endAngle specifies the bearing of the arc at the end. The interpolation is fixed as "circularArcCenterPointWithRadius". Since this type describes always a single arc, the attribute "numArc" is fixed to "1". The content model follows the general pattern for the encoding of curve segments.</documentation>
Schema location