
Used by
Element gml:AbstractTimeTopologyPrimitive
gml:TimeTopologyPrimitive acts as the head of a substitution group for topological temporal primitives.
Temporal topology primitives shall imply the ordering information between features or feature properties. The temporal connection of features can be examined if they have temporal topology primitives as values of their properties. Usually, an instantaneous feature associates with a time node, and a static feature associates with a time edge.  A feature with both modes associates with the temporal topology primitive: a supertype of time nodes and time edges.
A topological primitive is always connected to one or more other topological primitives, and is, therefore, always a member of a topological complex. In a GML instance, this will often be indicated by the primitives being described by elements that are descendents of an element describing a complex. However, in order to support the case where a temporal topological primitive is described in another context, the optional complex property is provided, which carries a reference to the parent temporal topological complex.
Diagram index10.tmp#id82 index11.tmp#id76 index12.tmp#id97 index13.tmp#id99 index14.tmp#id103 index15.tmp#id108 index16.tmp#id75 index17.tmp#id74 index241.tmp#id174 index242.tmp#id175 index242.tmp#id173 index243.tmp#id1936 index243.tmp#id1935 index950.tmp#id171 index454.tmp#id170
Type gml:AbstractTimeTopologyPrimitiveType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
abstract: true
Used by
Model gml:metaDataProperty* , gml:description{0,1} , gml:descriptionReference{0,1} , gml:identifier{0,1} , gml:name* , gml:relatedTime* , gml:complex{0,1}
Children gml:complex, gml:description, gml:descriptionReference, gml:identifier, gml:metaDataProperty, gml:name, gml:relatedTime
<gml:AbstractTimeTopologyPrimitive gml:id="">
  <gml:metaDataProperty about="" xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" nilReason="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{0,unbounded}</gml:metaDataProperty>
  <gml:description xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" nilReason="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{0,1}</gml:description>
  <gml:descriptionReference xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" nilReason="" owns="false" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{0,1}</gml:descriptionReference>
  <gml:identifier codeSpace="">{0,1}</gml:identifier>
  <gml:name codeSpace="">{0,unbounded}</gml:name>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gml:id ID required
The attribute gml:id supports provision of a handle for the XML element representing a GML Object. Its use is mandatory for all GML objects. It is of XML type ID, so is constrained to be unique in the XML document within which it occurs.
<element name="AbstractTimeTopologyPrimitive" type="gml:AbstractTimeTopologyPrimitiveType" abstract="true" substitutionGroup="gml:AbstractTimePrimitive">
    <documentation>gml:TimeTopologyPrimitive acts as the head of a substitution group for topological temporal primitives. Temporal topology primitives shall imply the ordering information between features or feature properties. The temporal connection of features can be examined if they have temporal topology primitives as values of their properties. Usually, an instantaneous feature associates with a time node, and a static feature associates with a time edge. A feature with both modes associates with the temporal topology primitive: a supertype of time nodes and time edges. A topological primitive is always connected to one or more other topological primitives, and is, therefore, always a member of a topological complex. In a GML instance, this will often be indicated by the primitives being described by elements that are descendents of an element describing a complex. However, in order to support the case where a temporal topological primitive is described in another context, the optional complex property is provided, which carries a reference to the parent temporal topological complex.</documentation>
Schema location