
Used by
Element gml:File
for efficiency reasons, GML also provides a means of encoding the range set in an arbitrary external encoding, such as a binary file.  This encoding may be "well-known" but this is not required. This mode uses the gml:File element.
The values of the coverage (attribute values in the range set) are transmitted in a external file that is referenced from the XML structure described by gml:FileType.  The external file is referenced by the gml:fileReference property that is an anyURI (the gml:fileName property has been deprecated).  This means that the external file may be located remotely from the referencing GML instance. 
The gml:compression property points to a definition of a compression algorithm through an anyURI.  This may be a retrievable, computable definition or simply a reference to an unambiguous name for the compression method.
The gml:mimeType property points to a definition of the file mime type.
The gml:fileStructure property is defined by a codelist. Note further that all values shall be enclosed in a single file. Multi-file structures for values are not supported in GML.
The semantics of the range set is described as above using the gml:rangeParameters property.
Note that if any compression algorithm is applied, the structure above applies only to the pre-compression or post-decompression structure of the file.
Note that the fields within a record match the gml:valueComponents of the gml:CompositeValue in document order.
Diagram index813.tmp#id851 index1120.tmp#id855 index1120.tmp#id856 index1120.tmp#id857 index1120.tmp#id858 index1120.tmp#id859 index1120.tmp#id854
Type gml:FileType
content: complex
Used by
Complex Type gml:RangeSetType
Model gml:rangeParameters , (gml:fileName | gml:fileReference) , gml:fileStructure , gml:mimeType{0,1} , gml:compression{0,1}
Children gml:compression, gml:fileName, gml:fileReference, gml:fileStructure, gml:mimeType, gml:rangeParameters
  <gml:rangeParameters xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" nilReason="" owns="false" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{1,1}</gml:rangeParameters>
  <gml:fileStructure codeSpace="">{1,1}</gml:fileStructure>
<element name="File" type="gml:FileType" substitutionGroup="gml:AbstractObject">
    <documentation>for efficiency reasons, GML also provides a means of encoding the range set in an arbitrary external encoding, such as a binary file. This encoding may be "well-known" but this is not required. This mode uses the gml:File element. The values of the coverage (attribute values in the range set) are transmitted in a external file that is referenced from the XML structure described by gml:FileType. The external file is referenced by the gml:fileReference property that is an anyURI (the gml:fileName property has been deprecated). This means that the external file may be located remotely from the referencing GML instance. The gml:compression property points to a definition of a compression algorithm through an anyURI. This may be a retrievable, computable definition or simply a reference to an unambiguous name for the compression method. The gml:mimeType property points to a definition of the file mime type. The gml:fileStructure property is defined by a codelist. Note further that all values shall be enclosed in a single file. Multi-file structures for values are not supported in GML. The semantics of the range set is described as above using the gml:rangeParameters property. Note that if any compression algorithm is applied, the structure above applies only to the pre-compression or post-decompression structure of the file. Note that the fields within a record match the gml:valueComponents of the gml:CompositeValue in document order.</documentation>
Schema location