
Used by
Complex Type gml:CircleType
A Circle is an arc whose ends coincide to form a simple closed loop. The "start" and "end" bearing are equal and shall be the bearing for the first controlPoint listed. The three control points must be distinct non-co-linear points for the Circle to be unambiguously defined. The arc is simply extended past the third control point until the first control point is encountered.
Diagram docindex25.tmp#id463 docindex25.tmp#id464 docindex25.tmp#id465 docindex25.tmp#id462 docindex77.tmp#id473 docindex77.tmp#id474 docindex27.tmp#id75 docindex28.tmp#id247 docindex29.tmp#id428 docindex30.tmp#id429 docindex31.tmp#id76 docindex77.tmp#id472 docindex78.tmp#id476 docindex27.tmp#id75 docindex28.tmp#id247 docindex29.tmp#id428 docindex30.tmp#id429 docindex31.tmp#id76 docindex78.tmp#id475
Type extension of gml:ArcType
Type hierarchy
Used by
Element gml:Circle
Model (gml:pos | gml:pointProperty | gml:pointRep | gml:posList | gml:coordinates)
Children gml:coordinates, gml:pointProperty, gml:pointRep, gml:pos, gml:posList
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
interpolation gml:CurveInterpolationType circularArc3Points optional
The attribute "interpolation" specifies the curve interpolation mechanism used for this segment. This mechanism
uses the control points and control parameters to determine the position of this curve segment. For an ArcString the interpolation is fixed as "circularArc3Points".
numArc integer 1 optional
An arc is an arc string consiting of a single arc, the attribute is fixed to "1".
numDerivativeInterior integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesInterior" specifies the type of continuity that is guaranteed interior to the curve. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity.
NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
numDerivativesAtEnd integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesAtEnd" specifies the type of continuity between this curve segment and its successor. If this is the last curve segment in the curve, one of these values, as appropriate, is ignored. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity.
NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
numDerivativesAtStart integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesAtStart" specifies the type of continuity between this curve segment and its predecessor. If this is the first curve segment in the curve, one of these values, as appropriate, is ignored. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity.
NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
<complexType name="CircleType">
    <documentation>A Circle is an arc whose ends coincide to form a simple closed loop. The "start" and "end" bearing are equal and shall be the bearing for the first controlPoint listed. The three control points must be distinct non-co-linear points for the Circle to be unambiguously defined. The arc is simply extended past the third control point until the first control point is encountered.</documentation>
    <extension base="gml:ArcType"/>
Schema location