The 'actuate' attribute is used to communicate the desired timing of traversal from the starting resource to the ending resource; it's value should be treated as follows:onLoad - traverse to the ending resource immediately on loading the starting resource onRequest - traverse from the starting resource to the ending resource only on a post-loading event triggered for this purpose other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in link for hints none - behavior is unconstrained
The 'show' attribute is used to communicate the desired presentation of the ending resource on traversal from the starting resource; it's value should be treated as follows: new - load ending resource in a new window, frame, pane, or other presentation contextreplace - load the resource in the same window, frame, pane, or other presentation contextembed - load ending resource in place of the presentation of the starting resourceother - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in the link for hints none - behavior is unconstrained
The attribute gml:id supports provision of a handle for the XML element representing a GML Object. Its use is mandatory for all GML objects. It is of XML type ID, so is constrained to be unique in the XML document within which it occurs.
A gml:TopoSolid must indicate whether it is a universal topo-solid or not, to ensure a lossless topology representation as defined by Kuijpers, et. al. (see OGC 05-102 Topology IPR). The optional universal attribute of type boolean is used to indicate this and the default is fault. NOTE The universal topo-solid is normally not part of any feature, and is used to represent the unbounded portion of the data set. Its interior boundary (it has no exterior boundary) would normally be considered the exterior boundary of the data set.
<complexType name="TopoSolidType"><complexContent><extension base="gml:AbstractTopoPrimitiveType"><sequence><element name="isolated" type="gml:NodeOrEdgePropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/><element ref="gml:directedFace" maxOccurs="unbounded"/><element ref="gml:solidProperty" minOccurs="0"/></sequence><attributeGroup ref="gml:AggregationAttributeGroup"/><attribute name="universal" type="boolean" use="optional" default="false"><annotation><documentation>A gml:TopoSolid must indicate whether it is a universal topo-solid or not, to ensure a lossless topology representation as defined by Kuijpers, et. al. (see OGC 05-102 Topology IPR). The optional universal attribute of type boolean is used to indicate this and the default is fault. NOTE The universal topo-solid is normally not part of any feature, and is used to represent the unbounded portion of the data set. Its interior boundary (it has no exterior boundary) would normally be considered the exterior boundary of the data set.</documentation></annotation></attribute></extension></complexContent></complexType>
A gml:TopoSolid must indicate whether it is a universal topo-solid or not, to ensure a lossless topology representation as defined by Kuijpers, et. al. (see OGC 05-102 Topology IPR). The optional universal attribute of type boolean is used to indicate this and the default is fault. NOTE The universal topo-solid is normally not part of any feature, and is used to represent the unbounded portion of the data set. Its interior boundary (it has no exterior boundary) would normally be considered the exterior boundary of the data set.
<attribute name="universal" type="boolean" use="optional" default="false"><annotation><documentation>A gml:TopoSolid must indicate whether it is a universal topo-solid or not, to ensure a lossless topology representation as defined by Kuijpers, et. al. (see OGC 05-102 Topology IPR). The optional universal attribute of type boolean is used to indicate this and the default is fault. NOTE The universal topo-solid is normally not part of any feature, and is used to represent the unbounded portion of the data set. Its interior boundary (it has no exterior boundary) would normally be considered the exterior boundary of the data set.</documentation></annotation></attribute>