
Used by
Element gml:TinType / gml:stopLines
Stoplines are lines where the local
continuity or regularity of the surface is questionable.
In the area of these pathologies, triangles intersecting
a stopline shall be removed from the tin surface, leaving
holes in the surface. If coincidence occurs on surface
boundary triangles, the result shall be a change of the 
surface boundary. Stoplines contains all these
pathological segments as a set of line strings.
Diagram docindex15.tmp#id539 docindex16.tmp#id678
Type gml:LineStringSegmentArrayPropertyType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: unbounded
Model gml:LineStringSegment*
Children gml:LineStringSegment
  <gml:LineStringSegment interpolation="linear" numDerivativeInterior="0" numDerivativesAtEnd="0" numDerivativesAtStart="0">{0,unbounded}</gml:LineStringSegment>
<element name="stopLines" type="gml:LineStringSegmentArrayPropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <documentation>Stoplines are lines where the local continuity or regularity of the surface is questionable. In the area of these pathologies, triangles intersecting a stopline shall be removed from the tin surface, leaving holes in the surface. If coincidence occurs on surface boundary triangles, the result shall be a change of the surface boundary. Stoplines contains all these pathological segments as a set of line strings.</documentation>
Schema location
Element gml:TinType / gml:breakLines
Breaklines are lines of a critical
nature to the shape of the surface, representing local
ridges, or depressions (such as drainage lines) in the
surface. As such their constituent segments must be
included in the tin eve if doing so
violates the Delauny criterion. Break lines contains these
critical segments as a set of line strings.
Diagram docindex15.tmp#id539 docindex16.tmp#id678
Type gml:LineStringSegmentArrayPropertyType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: unbounded
Model gml:LineStringSegment*
Children gml:LineStringSegment
  <gml:LineStringSegment interpolation="linear" numDerivativeInterior="0" numDerivativesAtEnd="0" numDerivativesAtStart="0">{0,unbounded}</gml:LineStringSegment>
<element name="breakLines" type="gml:LineStringSegmentArrayPropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <documentation>Breaklines are lines of a critical nature to the shape of the surface, representing local ridges, or depressions (such as drainage lines) in the surface. As such their constituent segments must be included in the tin eve if doing so violates the Delauny criterion. Break lines contains these critical segments as a set of line strings.</documentation>
Schema location
Element gml:TinType / gml:maxLength
Areas of the surface where data is not 
sufficiently dense to assure reasonable calculation shall be    
removed by adding a retention criterion for triangles based 
on the length of their sides. For many triangle sides  
exceeding maximum length, the adjacent triangles to that 
triangle side shall be removed from the surface.
Diagram docindex108.tmp#id251 docindex108.tmp#id250 docindex257.tmp#id390
Type gml:LengthType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
uom anyURI required
<element name="maxLength" type="gml:LengthType">
    <documentation>Areas of the surface where data is not sufficiently dense to assure reasonable calculation shall be removed by adding a retention criterion for triangles based on the length of their sides. For many triangle sides exceeding maximum length, the adjacent triangles to that triangle side shall be removed from the surface.</documentation>
Schema location
Element gml:TinType / gml:controlPoint
The corners of the triangles in the TIN 
are often referred to as pots. ControlPoint shall contain a 
set of the GM_Position used as posts for this TIN. Since each  
TIN contains triangles, there must be at least 3 posts. The 
     order in which these points are given does not affect the 
     surface that is represented. Application schemas may add 
     information based on ordering of control points to facilitate 
     the reconstruction of the TIN from the control points.
Diagram docindex134.tmp#id181 docindex131.tmp#id74 docindex132.tmp#id177 docindex205.tmp#id385
content: complex
Model gml:posList | gml:pos | gml:pointProperty
Children gml:pointProperty, gml:pos, gml:posList
  <gml:posList axisLabels="" count="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:posList>
<element name="controlPoint">
    <documentation>The corners of the triangles in the TIN are often referred to as pots. ControlPoint shall contain a set of the GM_Position used as posts for this TIN. Since each TIN contains triangles, there must be at least 3 posts. The order in which these points are given does not affect the surface that is represented. Application schemas may add information based on ordering of control points to facilitate the reconstruction of the TIN from the control points.</documentation>
      <element ref="gml:posList"/>
      <group ref="gml:geometricPositionGroup" minOccurs="3" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema location
Complex Type gml:TinType
A tin is a triangulated surface that uses
the Delauny algorithm or a similar algorithm complemented with
consideration of breaklines, stoplines, and maximum length of 
triangle sides. These networks satisfy the Delauny's criterion
away from the modifications: Fore each triangle in the 
network, the circle passing through its vertices does not
contain, in its interior, the vertex of any other triangle.
Diagram docindex4.tmp#id52 docindex5.tmp#id34 docindex5.tmp#id34 docindex6.tmp#id47 docindex6.tmp#id47 docindex7.tmp#id49 docindex7.tmp#id49 docindex8.tmp#id33 docindex9.tmp#id32 docindex56.tmp#id109 docindex57.tmp#id61 docindex56.tmp#id108 docindex58.tmp#id171 docindex59.tmp#id170 docindex60.tmp#id630 docindex61.tmp#id629 docindex5.tmp#id34 docindex5.tmp#id34 docindex6.tmp#id47 docindex6.tmp#id47 docindex7.tmp#id49 docindex7.tmp#id49 docindex8.tmp#id33 docindex62.tmp#id632 docindex363.tmp#id675 docindex364.tmp#id677 docindex364.tmp#id679 docindex364.tmp#id680 docindex364.tmp#id681
Type extension of gml:TriangulatedSurfaceType
Type hierarchy
Used by
Element gml:Tin
Model gml:metaDataProperty* , gml:description{0,1} , gml:name* , gml:trianglePatches , gml:stopLines* , gml:breakLines* , gml:maxLength , gml:controlPoint
Children gml:breakLines, gml:controlPoint, gml:description, gml:maxLength, gml:metaDataProperty, gml:name, gml:stopLines, gml:trianglePatches
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
axisLabels gml:NCNameList optional
Ordered list of labels for all the axes of this CRS. The gml:axisAbbrev value should be used for these axis 
labels, after spaces and forbiddden characters are removed. When the srsName attribute is included, this attribute is optional. 
When the srsName attribute is omitted, this attribute shall also be omitted.
gid string optional
This attribute is included for backward compatibility with GML 2 and is deprecated with GML 3. 
This identifer is superceded by "gml:id" inherited from AbstractGMLType. The attribute "gid" should not be used 
anymore and may be deleted in future versions of GML without further notice.
gml:id ID optional
Database handle for the object.  It is of XML type ID, so is constrained to be unique in the XML document within which it occurs.  An external identifier for the object in the form of a URI may be constructed using standard XML and XPointer methods.  This is done by concatenating the URI for the document, a fragment separator, and the value of the id attribute.
srsDimension positiveInteger optional
The "srsDimension" is the length of coordinate sequence (the number of entries in the list). This dimension is 
specified by the coordinate reference system. When the srsName attribute is omitted, this attribute shall be omitted.
srsName anyURI optional
In general this reference points to a CRS instance of gml:CoordinateReferenceSystemType 
(see coordinateReferenceSystems.xsd). For well known references it is not required that the CRS description exists at the 
location the URI points to. If no srsName attribute is given, the CRS must be specified as part of the larger context this 
geometry element is part of, e.g. a geometric element like point, curve, etc. It is expected that this attribute will be specified 
at the direct position level only in rare cases.
uomLabels gml:NCNameList optional
Ordered list of unit of measure (uom) labels for all the axes of this CRS. The value of the string in the 
gml:catalogSymbol should be used for this uom labels, after spaces and forbiddden characters are removed. When the 
axisLabels attribute is included, this attribute shall also be included. When the axisLabels attribute is omitted, this attribute 
shall also be omitted.
<complexType name="TinType">
    <documentation>A tin is a triangulated surface that uses the Delauny algorithm or a similar algorithm complemented with consideration of breaklines, stoplines, and maximum length of triangle sides. These networks satisfy the Delauny's criterion away from the modifications: Fore each triangle in the network, the circle passing through its vertices does not contain, in its interior, the vertex of any other triangle.</documentation>
    <extension base="gml:TriangulatedSurfaceType">
        <element name="stopLines" type="gml:LineStringSegmentArrayPropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <documentation>Stoplines are lines where the local continuity or regularity of the surface is questionable. In the area of these pathologies, triangles intersecting a stopline shall be removed from the tin surface, leaving holes in the surface. If coincidence occurs on surface boundary triangles, the result shall be a change of the surface boundary. Stoplines contains all these pathological segments as a set of line strings.</documentation>
        <element name="breakLines" type="gml:LineStringSegmentArrayPropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <documentation>Breaklines are lines of a critical nature to the shape of the surface, representing local ridges, or depressions (such as drainage lines) in the surface. As such their constituent segments must be included in the tin eve if doing so violates the Delauny criterion. Break lines contains these critical segments as a set of line strings.</documentation>
        <element name="maxLength" type="gml:LengthType">
            <documentation>Areas of the surface where data is not sufficiently dense to assure reasonable calculation shall be removed by adding a retention criterion for triangles based on the length of their sides. For many triangle sides exceeding maximum length, the adjacent triangles to that triangle side shall be removed from the surface.</documentation>
        <element name="controlPoint">
            <documentation>The corners of the triangles in the TIN are often referred to as pots. ControlPoint shall contain a set of the GM_Position used as posts for this TIN. Since each TIN contains triangles, there must be at least 3 posts. The order in which these points are given does not affect the surface that is represented. Application schemas may add information based on ordering of control points to facilitate the reconstruction of the TIN from the control points.</documentation>
              <element ref="gml:posList"/>
              <group ref="gml:geometricPositionGroup" minOccurs="3" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema location