
Used by
Element gmd:MD_Metadata_Type / gmd:fileIdentifier
Diagram index1.tmp#id1085 index29.tmp#id1053 index30.tmp#id1052
Type gco:CharacterString_PropertyType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
Model gco:CharacterString
Children gco:CharacterString
<gmd:fileIdentifier gco:nilReason="">
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gco:nilReason gml:NilReasonType optional
<xs:element name="fileIdentifier" type="gco:CharacterString_PropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
Schema location
Element gmd:MD_Metadata_Type / gmd:language
Diagram index1.tmp#id1085 index29.tmp#id1053 index30.tmp#id1052
Type gco:CharacterString_PropertyType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
Model gco:CharacterString
Children gco:CharacterString
<gmd:language gco:nilReason="">
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gco:nilReason gml:NilReasonType optional
<xs:element name="language" type="gco:CharacterString_PropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
Schema location
Element gmd:MD_Metadata_Type / gmd:characterSet
Diagram index1.tmp#id1085 index926.tmp#id1075 index927.tmp#id1376
Type gmd:MD_CharacterSetCode_PropertyType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
Model gmd:MD_CharacterSetCode
Children gmd:MD_CharacterSetCode
<gmd:characterSet gco:nilReason="">
  <gmd:MD_CharacterSetCode codeList="" codeListValue="" codeSpace="">{1,1}</gmd:MD_CharacterSetCode>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gco:nilReason gml:NilReasonType optional
<xs:element name="characterSet" type="gmd:MD_CharacterSetCode_PropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
Schema location
Element gmd:MD_Metadata_Type / gmd:parentIdentifier
Diagram index1.tmp#id1085 index29.tmp#id1053 index30.tmp#id1052
Type gco:CharacterString_PropertyType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
Model gco:CharacterString
Children gco:CharacterString
<gmd:parentIdentifier gco:nilReason="">
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gco:nilReason gml:NilReasonType optional
<xs:element name="parentIdentifier" type="gco:CharacterString_PropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
Schema location
Element gmd:MD_Metadata_Type / gmd:hierarchyLevel
Diagram index1.tmp#id1085 index157.tmp#id1073 index158.tmp#id1379
Type gmd:MD_ScopeCode_PropertyType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: unbounded
Model gmd:MD_ScopeCode
Children gmd:MD_ScopeCode
<gmd:hierarchyLevel gco:nilReason="">
  <gmd:MD_ScopeCode codeList="" codeListValue="" codeSpace="">{1,1}</gmd:MD_ScopeCode>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gco:nilReason gml:NilReasonType optional
<xs:element name="hierarchyLevel" type="gmd:MD_ScopeCode_PropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema location
Element gmd:MD_Metadata_Type / gmd:hierarchyLevelName
Diagram index1.tmp#id1085 index29.tmp#id1053 index30.tmp#id1052
Type gco:CharacterString_PropertyType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: unbounded
Model gco:CharacterString
Children gco:CharacterString
<gmd:hierarchyLevelName gco:nilReason="">
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gco:nilReason gml:NilReasonType optional
<xs:element name="hierarchyLevelName" type="gco:CharacterString_PropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema location
Element gmd:MD_Metadata_Type / gmd:contact
Diagram index0.tmp#id1096 index1.tmp#id1085 index107.tmp#id1168 index108.tmp#id1167
Type gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty_PropertyType
content: complex
maxOccurs: unbounded
Model gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty
Children gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty
<gmd:contact xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gco:nilReason="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple" uuidref="">
  <gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty id="" uuid="">{1,1}</gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gco:nilReason gml:NilReasonType optional
uuidref xs:string optional
xlink:actuate restriction of string optional
The 'actuate' attribute is used to communicate the desired timing 
of traversal from the starting resource to the ending resource; 
it's value should be treated as follows:
onLoad - traverse to the ending resource immediately on loading 
         the starting resource 
onRequest - traverse from the starting resource to the ending 
            resource only on a post-loading event triggered for 
            this purpose 
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in link 
        for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:arcrole anyURI optional
xlink:href anyURI optional
xlink:role anyURI optional
xlink:show restriction of string optional
The 'show' attribute is used to communicate the desired presentation 
of the ending resource on traversal from the starting resource; it's 
value should be treated as follows: 
new - load ending resource in a new window, frame, pane, or other 
      presentation context
replace - load the resource in the same window, frame, pane, or 
          other presentation context
embed - load ending resource in place of the presentation of the 
        starting resource
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in the 
        link for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:title string optional
xlink:type string simple optional
<xs:element name="contact" type="gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty_PropertyType" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema location
Element gmd:MD_Metadata_Type / gmd:dateStamp
Diagram index1.tmp#id1085 index617.tmp#id1154 index479.tmp#id1156 index618.tmp#id1153
Type gco:Date_PropertyType
content: complex
Model gco:Date | gco:DateTime
Children gco:Date, gco:DateTime
<gmd:dateStamp gco:nilReason="">
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gco:nilReason gml:NilReasonType optional
<xs:element name="dateStamp" type="gco:Date_PropertyType"/>
Schema location
Element gmd:MD_Metadata_Type / gmd:metadataStandardName
Diagram index1.tmp#id1085 index29.tmp#id1053 index30.tmp#id1052
Type gco:CharacterString_PropertyType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
Model gco:CharacterString
Children gco:CharacterString
<gmd:metadataStandardName gco:nilReason="">
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gco:nilReason gml:NilReasonType optional
<xs:element name="metadataStandardName" type="gco:CharacterString_PropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
Schema location
Element gmd:MD_Metadata_Type / gmd:metadataStandardVersion
Diagram index1.tmp#id1085 index29.tmp#id1053 index30.tmp#id1052
Type gco:CharacterString_PropertyType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
Model gco:CharacterString
Children gco:CharacterString
<gmd:metadataStandardVersion gco:nilReason="">
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gco:nilReason gml:NilReasonType optional
<xs:element name="metadataStandardVersion" type="gco:CharacterString_PropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
Schema location
Element gmd:MD_Metadata_Type / gmd:dataSetURI
Diagram index1.tmp#id1085 index29.tmp#id1053 index30.tmp#id1052
Type gco:CharacterString_PropertyType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
Model gco:CharacterString
Children gco:CharacterString
<gmd:dataSetURI gco:nilReason="">
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gco:nilReason gml:NilReasonType optional
<xs:element name="dataSetURI" type="gco:CharacterString_PropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
Schema location
Element gmd:MD_Metadata_Type / gmd:locale
Diagram index0.tmp#id1096 index1.tmp#id1085 index1016.tmp#id1388 index1017.tmp#id1387
Type gmd:PT_Locale_PropertyType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: unbounded
Model gmd:PT_Locale
Children gmd:PT_Locale
<gmd:locale xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gco:nilReason="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple" uuidref="">
  <gmd:PT_Locale id="" uuid="">{1,1}</gmd:PT_Locale>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gco:nilReason gml:NilReasonType optional
uuidref xs:string optional
xlink:actuate restriction of string optional
The 'actuate' attribute is used to communicate the desired timing 
of traversal from the starting resource to the ending resource; 
it's value should be treated as follows:
onLoad - traverse to the ending resource immediately on loading 
         the starting resource 
onRequest - traverse from the starting resource to the ending 
            resource only on a post-loading event triggered for 
            this purpose 
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in link 
        for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:arcrole anyURI optional
xlink:href anyURI optional
xlink:role anyURI optional
xlink:show restriction of string optional
The 'show' attribute is used to communicate the desired presentation 
of the ending resource on traversal from the starting resource; it's 
value should be treated as follows: 
new - load ending resource in a new window, frame, pane, or other 
      presentation context
replace - load the resource in the same window, frame, pane, or 
          other presentation context
embed - load ending resource in place of the presentation of the 
        starting resource
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in the 
        link for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:title string optional
xlink:type string simple optional
<xs:element name="locale" type="gmd:PT_Locale_PropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema location
Element gmd:MD_Metadata_Type / gmd:spatialRepresentationInfo
Diagram index0.tmp#id1096 index1.tmp#id1085 index287.tmp#id1397 index1235.tmp#id1396
Type gmd:MD_SpatialRepresentation_PropertyType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: unbounded
Model gmd:AbstractMD_SpatialRepresentation
Children gmd:AbstractMD_SpatialRepresentation
<gmd:spatialRepresentationInfo xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gco:nilReason="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple" uuidref="">
  <gmd:AbstractMD_SpatialRepresentation id="" uuid="">{1,1}</gmd:AbstractMD_SpatialRepresentation>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gco:nilReason gml:NilReasonType optional
uuidref xs:string optional
xlink:actuate restriction of string optional
The 'actuate' attribute is used to communicate the desired timing 
of traversal from the starting resource to the ending resource; 
it's value should be treated as follows:
onLoad - traverse to the ending resource immediately on loading 
         the starting resource 
onRequest - traverse from the starting resource to the ending 
            resource only on a post-loading event triggered for 
            this purpose 
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in link 
        for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:arcrole anyURI optional
xlink:href anyURI optional
xlink:role anyURI optional
xlink:show restriction of string optional
The 'show' attribute is used to communicate the desired presentation 
of the ending resource on traversal from the starting resource; it's 
value should be treated as follows: 
new - load ending resource in a new window, frame, pane, or other 
      presentation context
replace - load the resource in the same window, frame, pane, or 
          other presentation context
embed - load ending resource in place of the presentation of the 
        starting resource
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in the 
        link for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:title string optional
xlink:type string simple optional
<xs:element name="spatialRepresentationInfo" type="gmd:MD_SpatialRepresentation_PropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema location
Element gmd:MD_Metadata_Type / gmd:referenceSystemInfo
Diagram index0.tmp#id1096 index1.tmp#id1085 index231.tmp#id1405 index761.tmp#id1404
Type gmd:MD_ReferenceSystem_PropertyType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: unbounded
Model gmd:MD_ReferenceSystem
Children gmd:MD_ReferenceSystem
<gmd:referenceSystemInfo xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gco:nilReason="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple" uuidref="">
  <gmd:MD_ReferenceSystem id="" uuid="">{1,1}</gmd:MD_ReferenceSystem>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gco:nilReason gml:NilReasonType optional
uuidref xs:string optional
xlink:actuate restriction of string optional
The 'actuate' attribute is used to communicate the desired timing 
of traversal from the starting resource to the ending resource; 
it's value should be treated as follows:
onLoad - traverse to the ending resource immediately on loading 
         the starting resource 
onRequest - traverse from the starting resource to the ending 
            resource only on a post-loading event triggered for 
            this purpose 
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in link 
        for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:arcrole anyURI optional
xlink:href anyURI optional
xlink:role anyURI optional
xlink:show restriction of string optional
The 'show' attribute is used to communicate the desired presentation 
of the ending resource on traversal from the starting resource; it's 
value should be treated as follows: 
new - load ending resource in a new window, frame, pane, or other 
      presentation context
replace - load the resource in the same window, frame, pane, or 
          other presentation context
embed - load ending resource in place of the presentation of the 
        starting resource
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in the 
        link for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:title string optional
xlink:type string simple optional
<xs:element name="referenceSystemInfo" type="gmd:MD_ReferenceSystem_PropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema location
Element gmd:MD_Metadata_Type / gmd:metadataExtensionInfo
Diagram index0.tmp#id1096 index1.tmp#id1085 index1003.tmp#id1414 index1315.tmp#id1413
Type gmd:MD_MetadataExtensionInformation_PropertyType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: unbounded
Model gmd:MD_MetadataExtensionInformation
Children gmd:MD_MetadataExtensionInformation
<gmd:metadataExtensionInfo xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gco:nilReason="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple" uuidref="">
  <gmd:MD_MetadataExtensionInformation id="" uuid="">{1,1}</gmd:MD_MetadataExtensionInformation>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gco:nilReason gml:NilReasonType optional
uuidref xs:string optional
xlink:actuate restriction of string optional
The 'actuate' attribute is used to communicate the desired timing 
of traversal from the starting resource to the ending resource; 
it's value should be treated as follows:
onLoad - traverse to the ending resource immediately on loading 
         the starting resource 
onRequest - traverse from the starting resource to the ending 
            resource only on a post-loading event triggered for 
            this purpose 
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in link 
        for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:arcrole anyURI optional
xlink:href anyURI optional
xlink:role anyURI optional
xlink:show restriction of string optional
The 'show' attribute is used to communicate the desired presentation 
of the ending resource on traversal from the starting resource; it's 
value should be treated as follows: 
new - load ending resource in a new window, frame, pane, or other 
      presentation context
replace - load the resource in the same window, frame, pane, or 
          other presentation context
embed - load ending resource in place of the presentation of the 
        starting resource
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in the 
        link for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:title string optional
xlink:type string simple optional
<xs:element name="metadataExtensionInfo" type="gmd:MD_MetadataExtensionInformation_PropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema location
Element gmd:MD_Metadata_Type / gmd:identificationInfo
Diagram index0.tmp#id1096 index1.tmp#id1085 index1150.tmp#id1441 index1254.tmp#id1440
Type gmd:MD_Identification_PropertyType
content: complex
maxOccurs: unbounded
Model gmd:AbstractMD_Identification
Children gmd:AbstractMD_Identification
<gmd:identificationInfo xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gco:nilReason="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple" uuidref="">
  <gmd:AbstractMD_Identification id="" uuid="">{1,1}</gmd:AbstractMD_Identification>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gco:nilReason gml:NilReasonType optional
uuidref xs:string optional
xlink:actuate restriction of string optional
The 'actuate' attribute is used to communicate the desired timing 
of traversal from the starting resource to the ending resource; 
it's value should be treated as follows:
onLoad - traverse to the ending resource immediately on loading 
         the starting resource 
onRequest - traverse from the starting resource to the ending 
            resource only on a post-loading event triggered for 
            this purpose 
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in link 
        for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:arcrole anyURI optional
xlink:href anyURI optional
xlink:role anyURI optional
xlink:show restriction of string optional
The 'show' attribute is used to communicate the desired presentation 
of the ending resource on traversal from the starting resource; it's 
value should be treated as follows: 
new - load ending resource in a new window, frame, pane, or other 
      presentation context
replace - load the resource in the same window, frame, pane, or 
          other presentation context
embed - load ending resource in place of the presentation of the 
        starting resource
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in the 
        link for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:title string optional
xlink:type string simple optional
<xs:element name="identificationInfo" type="gmd:MD_Identification_PropertyType" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema location
Element gmd:MD_Metadata_Type / gmd:contentInfo
Diagram index0.tmp#id1096 index1.tmp#id1085 index1027.tmp#id1560 index1028.tmp#id1559
Type gmd:MD_ContentInformation_PropertyType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: unbounded
Model gmd:AbstractMD_ContentInformation
Children gmd:AbstractMD_ContentInformation
<gmd:contentInfo xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gco:nilReason="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple" uuidref="">
  <gmd:AbstractMD_ContentInformation id="" uuid="">{1,1}</gmd:AbstractMD_ContentInformation>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gco:nilReason gml:NilReasonType optional
uuidref xs:string optional
xlink:actuate restriction of string optional
The 'actuate' attribute is used to communicate the desired timing 
of traversal from the starting resource to the ending resource; 
it's value should be treated as follows:
onLoad - traverse to the ending resource immediately on loading 
         the starting resource 
onRequest - traverse from the starting resource to the ending 
            resource only on a post-loading event triggered for 
            this purpose 
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in link 
        for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:arcrole anyURI optional
xlink:href anyURI optional
xlink:role anyURI optional
xlink:show restriction of string optional
The 'show' attribute is used to communicate the desired presentation 
of the ending resource on traversal from the starting resource; it's 
value should be treated as follows: 
new - load ending resource in a new window, frame, pane, or other 
      presentation context
replace - load the resource in the same window, frame, pane, or 
          other presentation context
embed - load ending resource in place of the presentation of the 
        starting resource
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in the 
        link for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:title string optional
xlink:type string simple optional
<xs:element name="contentInfo" type="gmd:MD_ContentInformation_PropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema location
Element gmd:MD_Metadata_Type / gmd:distributionInfo
Diagram index0.tmp#id1096 index1.tmp#id1085 index1130.tmp#id1567 index1131.tmp#id1566
Type gmd:MD_Distribution_PropertyType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
Model gmd:MD_Distribution
Children gmd:MD_Distribution
<gmd:distributionInfo xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gco:nilReason="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple" uuidref="">
  <gmd:MD_Distribution id="" uuid="">{1,1}</gmd:MD_Distribution>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gco:nilReason gml:NilReasonType optional
uuidref xs:string optional
xlink:actuate restriction of string optional
The 'actuate' attribute is used to communicate the desired timing 
of traversal from the starting resource to the ending resource; 
it's value should be treated as follows:
onLoad - traverse to the ending resource immediately on loading 
         the starting resource 
onRequest - traverse from the starting resource to the ending 
            resource only on a post-loading event triggered for 
            this purpose 
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in link 
        for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:arcrole anyURI optional
xlink:href anyURI optional
xlink:role anyURI optional
xlink:show restriction of string optional
The 'show' attribute is used to communicate the desired presentation 
of the ending resource on traversal from the starting resource; it's 
value should be treated as follows: 
new - load ending resource in a new window, frame, pane, or other 
      presentation context
replace - load the resource in the same window, frame, pane, or 
          other presentation context
embed - load ending resource in place of the presentation of the 
        starting resource
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in the 
        link for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:title string optional
xlink:type string simple optional
<xs:element name="distributionInfo" type="gmd:MD_Distribution_PropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
Schema location
Element gmd:MD_Metadata_Type / gmd:dataQualityInfo
Diagram index0.tmp#id1096 index1.tmp#id1085 index403.tmp#id1574 index1207.tmp#id1573
Type gmd:DQ_DataQuality_PropertyType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: unbounded
Model gmd:DQ_DataQuality
Children gmd:DQ_DataQuality
<gmd:dataQualityInfo xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gco:nilReason="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple" uuidref="">
  <gmd:DQ_DataQuality id="" uuid="">{1,1}</gmd:DQ_DataQuality>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gco:nilReason gml:NilReasonType optional
uuidref xs:string optional
xlink:actuate restriction of string optional
The 'actuate' attribute is used to communicate the desired timing 
of traversal from the starting resource to the ending resource; 
it's value should be treated as follows:
onLoad - traverse to the ending resource immediately on loading 
         the starting resource 
onRequest - traverse from the starting resource to the ending 
            resource only on a post-loading event triggered for 
            this purpose 
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in link 
        for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:arcrole anyURI optional
xlink:href anyURI optional
xlink:role anyURI optional
xlink:show restriction of string optional
The 'show' attribute is used to communicate the desired presentation 
of the ending resource on traversal from the starting resource; it's 
value should be treated as follows: 
new - load ending resource in a new window, frame, pane, or other 
      presentation context
replace - load the resource in the same window, frame, pane, or 
          other presentation context
embed - load ending resource in place of the presentation of the 
        starting resource
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in the 
        link for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:title string optional
xlink:type string simple optional
<xs:element name="dataQualityInfo" type="gmd:DQ_DataQuality_PropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema location
Element gmd:MD_Metadata_Type / gmd:portrayalCatalogueInfo
Diagram index0.tmp#id1096 index1.tmp#id1085 index164.tmp#id1628 index165.tmp#id1627
Type gmd:MD_PortrayalCatalogueReference_PropertyType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: unbounded
Model gmd:MD_PortrayalCatalogueReference
Children gmd:MD_PortrayalCatalogueReference
<gmd:portrayalCatalogueInfo xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gco:nilReason="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple" uuidref="">
  <gmd:MD_PortrayalCatalogueReference id="" uuid="">{1,1}</gmd:MD_PortrayalCatalogueReference>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gco:nilReason gml:NilReasonType optional
uuidref xs:string optional
xlink:actuate restriction of string optional
The 'actuate' attribute is used to communicate the desired timing 
of traversal from the starting resource to the ending resource; 
it's value should be treated as follows:
onLoad - traverse to the ending resource immediately on loading 
         the starting resource 
onRequest - traverse from the starting resource to the ending 
            resource only on a post-loading event triggered for 
            this purpose 
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in link 
        for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:arcrole anyURI optional
xlink:href anyURI optional
xlink:role anyURI optional
xlink:show restriction of string optional
The 'show' attribute is used to communicate the desired presentation 
of the ending resource on traversal from the starting resource; it's 
value should be treated as follows: 
new - load ending resource in a new window, frame, pane, or other 
      presentation context
replace - load the resource in the same window, frame, pane, or 
          other presentation context
embed - load ending resource in place of the presentation of the 
        starting resource
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in the 
        link for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:title string optional
xlink:type string simple optional
<xs:element name="portrayalCatalogueInfo" type="gmd:MD_PortrayalCatalogueReference_PropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema location
Element gmd:MD_Metadata_Type / gmd:metadataConstraints
Diagram index0.tmp#id1096 index1.tmp#id1085 index54.tmp#id1543 index55.tmp#id1542
Type gmd:MD_Constraints_PropertyType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: unbounded
Model gmd:MD_Constraints
Children gmd:MD_Constraints
<gmd:metadataConstraints xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gco:nilReason="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple" uuidref="">
  <gmd:MD_Constraints id="" uuid="">{1,1}</gmd:MD_Constraints>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gco:nilReason gml:NilReasonType optional
uuidref xs:string optional
xlink:actuate restriction of string optional
The 'actuate' attribute is used to communicate the desired timing 
of traversal from the starting resource to the ending resource; 
it's value should be treated as follows:
onLoad - traverse to the ending resource immediately on loading 
         the starting resource 
onRequest - traverse from the starting resource to the ending 
            resource only on a post-loading event triggered for 
            this purpose 
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in link 
        for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:arcrole anyURI optional
xlink:href anyURI optional
xlink:role anyURI optional
xlink:show restriction of string optional
The 'show' attribute is used to communicate the desired presentation 
of the ending resource on traversal from the starting resource; it's 
value should be treated as follows: 
new - load ending resource in a new window, frame, pane, or other 
      presentation context
replace - load the resource in the same window, frame, pane, or 
          other presentation context
embed - load ending resource in place of the presentation of the 
        starting resource
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in the 
        link for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:title string optional
xlink:type string simple optional
<xs:element name="metadataConstraints" type="gmd:MD_Constraints_PropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema location
Element gmd:MD_Metadata_Type / gmd:applicationSchemaInfo
Diagram index0.tmp#id1096 index1.tmp#id1085 index58.tmp#id1634 index1100.tmp#id1633
Type gmd:MD_ApplicationSchemaInformation_PropertyType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: unbounded
Model gmd:MD_ApplicationSchemaInformation
Children gmd:MD_ApplicationSchemaInformation
<gmd:applicationSchemaInfo xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gco:nilReason="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple" uuidref="">
  <gmd:MD_ApplicationSchemaInformation id="" uuid="">{1,1}</gmd:MD_ApplicationSchemaInformation>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gco:nilReason gml:NilReasonType optional
uuidref xs:string optional
xlink:actuate restriction of string optional
The 'actuate' attribute is used to communicate the desired timing 
of traversal from the starting resource to the ending resource; 
it's value should be treated as follows:
onLoad - traverse to the ending resource immediately on loading 
         the starting resource 
onRequest - traverse from the starting resource to the ending 
            resource only on a post-loading event triggered for 
            this purpose 
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in link 
        for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:arcrole anyURI optional
xlink:href anyURI optional
xlink:role anyURI optional
xlink:show restriction of string optional
The 'show' attribute is used to communicate the desired presentation 
of the ending resource on traversal from the starting resource; it's 
value should be treated as follows: 
new - load ending resource in a new window, frame, pane, or other 
      presentation context
replace - load the resource in the same window, frame, pane, or 
          other presentation context
embed - load ending resource in place of the presentation of the 
        starting resource
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in the 
        link for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:title string optional
xlink:type string simple optional
<xs:element name="applicationSchemaInfo" type="gmd:MD_ApplicationSchemaInformation_PropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema location
Element gmd:MD_Metadata_Type / gmd:metadataMaintenance
Diagram index0.tmp#id1096 index1.tmp#id1085 index533.tmp#id1454 index1002.tmp#id1453
Type gmd:MD_MaintenanceInformation_PropertyType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
Model gmd:MD_MaintenanceInformation
Children gmd:MD_MaintenanceInformation
<gmd:metadataMaintenance xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gco:nilReason="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple" uuidref="">
  <gmd:MD_MaintenanceInformation id="" uuid="">{1,1}</gmd:MD_MaintenanceInformation>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gco:nilReason gml:NilReasonType optional
uuidref xs:string optional
xlink:actuate restriction of string optional
The 'actuate' attribute is used to communicate the desired timing 
of traversal from the starting resource to the ending resource; 
it's value should be treated as follows:
onLoad - traverse to the ending resource immediately on loading 
         the starting resource 
onRequest - traverse from the starting resource to the ending 
            resource only on a post-loading event triggered for 
            this purpose 
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in link 
        for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:arcrole anyURI optional
xlink:href anyURI optional
xlink:role anyURI optional
xlink:show restriction of string optional
The 'show' attribute is used to communicate the desired presentation 
of the ending resource on traversal from the starting resource; it's 
value should be treated as follows: 
new - load ending resource in a new window, frame, pane, or other 
      presentation context
replace - load the resource in the same window, frame, pane, or 
          other presentation context
embed - load ending resource in place of the presentation of the 
        starting resource
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in the 
        link for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:title string optional
xlink:type string simple optional
<xs:element name="metadataMaintenance" type="gmd:MD_MaintenanceInformation_PropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
Schema location
Element gmd:MD_Metadata_Type / gmd:series
Diagram index0.tmp#id1096 index1.tmp#id1085 index303.tmp#id1650 index531.tmp#id1649
Type gmd:DS_Aggregate_PropertyType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: unbounded
Model gmd:AbstractDS_Aggregate
Children gmd:AbstractDS_Aggregate
<gmd:series xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gco:nilReason="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple" uuidref="">
  <gmd:AbstractDS_Aggregate id="" uuid="">{1,1}</gmd:AbstractDS_Aggregate>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gco:nilReason gml:NilReasonType optional
uuidref xs:string optional
xlink:actuate restriction of string optional
The 'actuate' attribute is used to communicate the desired timing 
of traversal from the starting resource to the ending resource; 
it's value should be treated as follows:
onLoad - traverse to the ending resource immediately on loading 
         the starting resource 
onRequest - traverse from the starting resource to the ending 
            resource only on a post-loading event triggered for 
            this purpose 
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in link 
        for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:arcrole anyURI optional
xlink:href anyURI optional
xlink:role anyURI optional
xlink:show restriction of string optional
The 'show' attribute is used to communicate the desired presentation 
of the ending resource on traversal from the starting resource; it's 
value should be treated as follows: 
new - load ending resource in a new window, frame, pane, or other 
      presentation context
replace - load the resource in the same window, frame, pane, or 
          other presentation context
embed - load ending resource in place of the presentation of the 
        starting resource
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in the 
        link for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:title string optional
xlink:type string simple optional
<xs:element name="series" type="gmd:DS_Aggregate_PropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema location
Element gmd:MD_Metadata_Type / gmd:describes
Diagram index0.tmp#id1096 index1.tmp#id1085 index445.tmp#id1367 index774.tmp#id1366
Type gmd:DS_DataSet_PropertyType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: unbounded
Model gmd:DS_DataSet
Children gmd:DS_DataSet
<gmd:describes xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gco:nilReason="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple" uuidref="">
  <gmd:DS_DataSet id="" uuid="">{1,1}</gmd:DS_DataSet>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gco:nilReason gml:NilReasonType optional
uuidref xs:string optional
xlink:actuate restriction of string optional
The 'actuate' attribute is used to communicate the desired timing 
of traversal from the starting resource to the ending resource; 
it's value should be treated as follows:
onLoad - traverse to the ending resource immediately on loading 
         the starting resource 
onRequest - traverse from the starting resource to the ending 
            resource only on a post-loading event triggered for 
            this purpose 
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in link 
        for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:arcrole anyURI optional
xlink:href anyURI optional
xlink:role anyURI optional
xlink:show restriction of string optional
The 'show' attribute is used to communicate the desired presentation 
of the ending resource on traversal from the starting resource; it's 
value should be treated as follows: 
new - load ending resource in a new window, frame, pane, or other 
      presentation context
replace - load the resource in the same window, frame, pane, or 
          other presentation context
embed - load ending resource in place of the presentation of the 
        starting resource
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in the 
        link for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:title string optional
xlink:type string simple optional
<xs:element name="describes" type="gmd:DS_DataSet_PropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema location
Element gmd:MD_Metadata_Type / gmd:propertyType
Diagram index0.tmp#id1096 index1.tmp#id1085 index441.tmp#id1468
Type gco:ObjectReference_PropertyType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: unbounded
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gco:nilReason gml:NilReasonType optional
uuidref xs:string optional
xlink:actuate restriction of string optional
The 'actuate' attribute is used to communicate the desired timing 
of traversal from the starting resource to the ending resource; 
it's value should be treated as follows:
onLoad - traverse to the ending resource immediately on loading 
         the starting resource 
onRequest - traverse from the starting resource to the ending 
            resource only on a post-loading event triggered for 
            this purpose 
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in link 
        for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:arcrole anyURI optional
xlink:href anyURI optional
xlink:role anyURI optional
xlink:show restriction of string optional
The 'show' attribute is used to communicate the desired presentation 
of the ending resource on traversal from the starting resource; it's 
value should be treated as follows: 
new - load ending resource in a new window, frame, pane, or other 
      presentation context
replace - load the resource in the same window, frame, pane, or 
          other presentation context
embed - load ending resource in place of the presentation of the 
        starting resource
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in the 
        link for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:title string optional
xlink:type string simple optional
<xs:element name="propertyType" type="gco:ObjectReference_PropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema location
Element gmd:MD_Metadata_Type / gmd:featureType
Diagram index0.tmp#id1096 index1.tmp#id1085 index441.tmp#id1468
Type gco:ObjectReference_PropertyType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: unbounded
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gco:nilReason gml:NilReasonType optional
uuidref xs:string optional
xlink:actuate restriction of string optional
The 'actuate' attribute is used to communicate the desired timing 
of traversal from the starting resource to the ending resource; 
it's value should be treated as follows:
onLoad - traverse to the ending resource immediately on loading 
         the starting resource 
onRequest - traverse from the starting resource to the ending 
            resource only on a post-loading event triggered for 
            this purpose 
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in link 
        for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:arcrole anyURI optional
xlink:href anyURI optional
xlink:role anyURI optional
xlink:show restriction of string optional
The 'show' attribute is used to communicate the desired presentation 
of the ending resource on traversal from the starting resource; it's 
value should be treated as follows: 
new - load ending resource in a new window, frame, pane, or other 
      presentation context
replace - load the resource in the same window, frame, pane, or 
          other presentation context
embed - load ending resource in place of the presentation of the 
        starting resource
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in the 
        link for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:title string optional
xlink:type string simple optional
<xs:element name="featureType" type="gco:ObjectReference_PropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema location
Element gmd:MD_Metadata_Type / gmd:featureAttribute
Diagram index0.tmp#id1096 index1.tmp#id1085 index441.tmp#id1468
Type gco:ObjectReference_PropertyType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: unbounded
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gco:nilReason gml:NilReasonType optional
uuidref xs:string optional
xlink:actuate restriction of string optional
The 'actuate' attribute is used to communicate the desired timing 
of traversal from the starting resource to the ending resource; 
it's value should be treated as follows:
onLoad - traverse to the ending resource immediately on loading 
         the starting resource 
onRequest - traverse from the starting resource to the ending 
            resource only on a post-loading event triggered for 
            this purpose 
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in link 
        for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:arcrole anyURI optional
xlink:href anyURI optional
xlink:role anyURI optional
xlink:show restriction of string optional
The 'show' attribute is used to communicate the desired presentation 
of the ending resource on traversal from the starting resource; it's 
value should be treated as follows: 
new - load ending resource in a new window, frame, pane, or other 
      presentation context
replace - load the resource in the same window, frame, pane, or 
          other presentation context
embed - load ending resource in place of the presentation of the 
        starting resource
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in the 
        link for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:title string optional
xlink:type string simple optional
<xs:element name="featureAttribute" type="gco:ObjectReference_PropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema location
Complex Type gmd:MD_Metadata_Type
Information about the metadata
Diagram index3.tmp#id1048 index4.tmp#id1047 index1175.tmp#id1373 index1175.tmp#id1374 index1175.tmp#id1375 index1175.tmp#id1377 index1175.tmp#id1378 index1175.tmp#id1380 index1175.tmp#id1381 index1175.tmp#id1382 index1175.tmp#id1383 index1175.tmp#id1384 index1175.tmp#id1385 index1175.tmp#id1386 index1175.tmp#id1395 index1175.tmp#id1403 index1175.tmp#id1412 index1175.tmp#id1439 index1175.tmp#id1558 index1175.tmp#id1565 index1175.tmp#id1572 index1175.tmp#id1626 index1175.tmp#id1631 index1175.tmp#id1632 index1175.tmp#id1647 index1175.tmp#id1648 index1175.tmp#id1661 index1175.tmp#id1662 index1175.tmp#id1663 index1175.tmp#id1664
Type extension of gco:AbstractObject_Type
Type hierarchy
Used by
Element gmd:MD_Metadata
Model gmd:fileIdentifier{0,1} , gmd:language{0,1} , gmd:characterSet{0,1} , gmd:parentIdentifier{0,1} , gmd:hierarchyLevel* , gmd:hierarchyLevelName* , gmd:contact+ , gmd:dateStamp , gmd:metadataStandardName{0,1} , gmd:metadataStandardVersion{0,1} , gmd:dataSetURI{0,1} , gmd:locale* , gmd:spatialRepresentationInfo* , gmd:referenceSystemInfo* , gmd:metadataExtensionInfo* , gmd:identificationInfo+ , gmd:contentInfo* , gmd:distributionInfo{0,1} , gmd:dataQualityInfo* , gmd:portrayalCatalogueInfo* , gmd:metadataConstraints* , gmd:applicationSchemaInfo* , gmd:metadataMaintenance{0,1} , gmd:series* , gmd:describes* , gmd:propertyType* , gmd:featureType* , gmd:featureAttribute*
Children gmd:applicationSchemaInfo, gmd:characterSet, gmd:contact, gmd:contentInfo, gmd:dataQualityInfo, gmd:dataSetURI, gmd:dateStamp, gmd:describes, gmd:distributionInfo, gmd:featureAttribute, gmd:featureType, gmd:fileIdentifier, gmd:hierarchyLevel, gmd:hierarchyLevelName, gmd:identificationInfo, gmd:language, gmd:locale, gmd:metadataConstraints, gmd:metadataExtensionInfo, gmd:metadataMaintenance, gmd:metadataStandardName, gmd:metadataStandardVersion, gmd:parentIdentifier, gmd:portrayalCatalogueInfo, gmd:propertyType, gmd:referenceSystemInfo, gmd:series, gmd:spatialRepresentationInfo
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
id xs:ID optional
uuid xs:string optional
<xs:complexType name="MD_Metadata_Type">
    <xs:documentation>Information about the metadata</xs:documentation>
    <xs:extension base="gco:AbstractObject_Type">
        <xs:element name="fileIdentifier" type="gco:CharacterString_PropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
        <xs:element name="language" type="gco:CharacterString_PropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
        <xs:element name="characterSet" type="gmd:MD_CharacterSetCode_PropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
        <xs:element name="parentIdentifier" type="gco:CharacterString_PropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
        <xs:element name="hierarchyLevel" type="gmd:MD_ScopeCode_PropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
        <xs:element name="hierarchyLevelName" type="gco:CharacterString_PropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
        <xs:element name="contact" type="gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty_PropertyType" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
        <xs:element name="dateStamp" type="gco:Date_PropertyType"/>
        <xs:element name="metadataStandardName" type="gco:CharacterString_PropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
        <xs:element name="metadataStandardVersion" type="gco:CharacterString_PropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
        <xs:element name="dataSetURI" type="gco:CharacterString_PropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
        <xs:element name="locale" type="gmd:PT_Locale_PropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
        <xs:element name="spatialRepresentationInfo" type="gmd:MD_SpatialRepresentation_PropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
        <xs:element name="referenceSystemInfo" type="gmd:MD_ReferenceSystem_PropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
        <xs:element name="metadataExtensionInfo" type="gmd:MD_MetadataExtensionInformation_PropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
        <xs:element name="identificationInfo" type="gmd:MD_Identification_PropertyType" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
        <xs:element name="contentInfo" type="gmd:MD_ContentInformation_PropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
        <xs:element name="distributionInfo" type="gmd:MD_Distribution_PropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
        <xs:element name="dataQualityInfo" type="gmd:DQ_DataQuality_PropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
        <xs:element name="portrayalCatalogueInfo" type="gmd:MD_PortrayalCatalogueReference_PropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
        <xs:element name="metadataConstraints" type="gmd:MD_Constraints_PropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
        <xs:element name="applicationSchemaInfo" type="gmd:MD_ApplicationSchemaInformation_PropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
        <xs:element name="metadataMaintenance" type="gmd:MD_MaintenanceInformation_PropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
        <xs:element name="series" type="gmd:DS_Aggregate_PropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
        <xs:element name="describes" type="gmd:DS_DataSet_PropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
        <xs:element name="propertyType" type="gco:ObjectReference_PropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
        <xs:element name="featureType" type="gco:ObjectReference_PropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
        <xs:element name="featureAttribute" type="gco:ObjectReference_PropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema location