
Used by
Element womlcore:AbstractLineObjectType / womlcore:controlCurve
This element specifies the definitive geometry of the center line of the given line object in the given CRS.
Applications should use this information in rendering the line object when ever possible.
The using applications should note, that rendering the line in other CRS (projection) that the given one
probably requires a more complex path matching than simply re-projecting the control points. One possible way
would be sampling the curve as lineString with appropriate frequency, translating the sampled lineString,
and finally fitting a new cubic spline to the sampled and translated lineString.
Diagram index17.tmp#id76 index20.tmp#id101 index487.tmp#id503 index602.tmp#id502
Type gml:CurvePropertyType
content: complex
minOccurs: 1
maxOccurs: 1
Model gml:AbstractCurve
Children gml:AbstractCurve
<womlcore:controlCurve xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" nilReason="" owns="false" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">
  <gml:AbstractCurve axisLabels="" gml:id="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:AbstractCurve>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gml:remoteSchema anyURI optional
nilReason gml:NilReasonType optional
owns boolean false optional
xlink:actuate xlink:actuateType optional
xlink:arcrole xlink:arcroleType optional
xlink:href xlink:hrefType optional
xlink:role xlink:roleType optional
xlink:show xlink:showType optional
xlink:title xlink:titleAttrType optional
xlink:type xlink:typeType simple optional
<element name="controlCurve" type="gml:CurvePropertyType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
    <documentation>This element specifies the definitive geometry of the center line of the given line object in the given CRS. Applications should use this information in rendering the line object when ever possible. The using applications should note, that rendering the line in other CRS (projection) that the given one probably requires a more complex path matching than simply re-projecting the control points. One possible way would be sampling the curve as lineString with appropriate frequency, translating the sampled lineString, and finally fitting a new cubic spline to the sampled and translated lineString.</documentation>
Schema location file:/Users/ilkkarinne/projects/woml-core-2012-11-15-schema/src/main/resources/woml/core/2012/11/15/woml-core.xsd
Element womlcore:AbstractLineObjectType / womlcore:startPointConnectsTo
Diagram index17.tmp#id76 index948.tmp#id506
Type womlcore:ConnectionPointReferenceType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: 1
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gml:remoteSchema anyURI optional
nilReason gml:NilReasonType optional
xlink:actuate xlink:actuateType optional
xlink:arcrole xlink:arcroleType optional
xlink:href xlink:hrefType optional
xlink:role xlink:roleType optional
xlink:show xlink:showType optional
xlink:title xlink:titleAttrType optional
xlink:type xlink:typeType simple optional
<element name="startPointConnectsTo" type="womlcore:ConnectionPointReferenceType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
Schema location file:/Users/ilkkarinne/projects/woml-core-2012-11-15-schema/src/main/resources/woml/core/2012/11/15/woml-core.xsd
Element womlcore:AbstractLineObjectType / womlcore:endPointConnectsTo
Diagram index17.tmp#id76 index948.tmp#id506
Type womlcore:ConnectionPointReferenceType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: 1
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gml:remoteSchema anyURI optional
nilReason gml:NilReasonType optional
xlink:actuate xlink:actuateType optional
xlink:arcrole xlink:arcroleType optional
xlink:href xlink:hrefType optional
xlink:role xlink:roleType optional
xlink:show xlink:showType optional
xlink:title xlink:titleAttrType optional
xlink:type xlink:typeType simple optional
<element name="endPointConnectsTo" type="womlcore:ConnectionPointReferenceType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
Schema location file:/Users/ilkkarinne/projects/woml-core-2012-11-15-schema/src/main/resources/woml/core/2012/11/15/woml-core.xsd
Element womlcore:AbstractLineObjectType / womlcore:elevation
Diagram index17.tmp#id76 index724.tmp#id334 index896.tmp#id509
Type womlcore:ElevationPropertyType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: 1
Model womlcore:Elevation
Children womlcore:Elevation
<womlcore:elevation xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" nilReason="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">
  <womlcore:Elevation gml:id="">{1,1}</womlcore:Elevation>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gml:remoteSchema anyURI optional
nilReason gml:NilReasonType optional
xlink:actuate xlink:actuateType optional
xlink:arcrole xlink:arcroleType optional
xlink:href xlink:hrefType optional
xlink:role xlink:roleType optional
xlink:show xlink:showType optional
xlink:title xlink:titleAttrType optional
xlink:type xlink:typeType simple optional
<element name="elevation" type="womlcore:ElevationPropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
Schema location file:/Users/ilkkarinne/projects/woml-core-2012-11-15-schema/src/main/resources/woml/core/2012/11/15/woml-core.xsd
Complex Type womlcore:AbstractLineObjectType
Abstract parent type for WOML Objects defined line segments 
                        between an ordered set of geospatial points.

                    The points defined in each of the given line segments
                        should be considered as one consecutive array of geospatial points. If there are more
                        that one segment, the first point (in the orientation order) of each of the segments
                        following the first one is ignored (the first and the last point coordinates 
                        must always represent the same point).
                    The orientation of the line is defined by attribute "orientation", starting from the first position
                        in the position list and ending to the last position if positive.
                        This may or may not affect the semantics and the rendering of the line object 
                        (depending on whether the concrete types have a natural direction or not).
                    If elevation
                        property is given, its value must be added to possible height value of each of the
                        points in the each line segment. If the CRS of the points is 2-dimensional, the
                        value of the elevation should be interpreted as the static height value of each of
                        the given (control)points.
Diagram index1.tmp#id75 index2.tmp#id69 index3.tmp#id97 index4.tmp#id99 index5.tmp#id103 index6.tmp#id108 index7.tmp#id68 index8.tmp#id67 index59.tmp#id109 index60.tmp#id133 index61.tmp#id66 index9.tmp#id172 index446.tmp#id185 index10.tmp#id194 index447.tmp#id195 index448.tmp#id171 index449.tmp#id170 index63.tmp#id197 index63.tmp#id225 index63.tmp#id226 index63.tmp#id227 index63.tmp#id229 index63.tmp#id196 index450.tmp#id232 index450.tmp#id248 index450.tmp#id169 index451.tmp#id515 index451.tmp#id501 index451.tmp#id505 index451.tmp#id507 index451.tmp#id508
Type extension of womlcore:AbstractMeteorologicalObjectType
Type hierarchy
abstract: true
Used by
Model gml:metaDataProperty* , gml:description{0,1} , gml:descriptionReference{0,1} , gml:identifier{0,1} , gml:name* , gml:boundedBy{0,1} , gml:location{0,1} , gml:validTime{0,1} , gml:history{0,1} , gml:dataSource{0,1} , gml:dataSourceReference{0,1} , womlcore:metaData{0,1} , womlcore:creationTime , womlcore:latestModificationTime{0,1} , womlcore:shortInfo* , womlcore:longInfo* , womlcore:uncertaintyArea{0,1} , womlcore:historyInterpolationRule{0,1} , womlcore:controlCurve , womlcore:startPointConnectsTo{0,1} , womlcore:endPointConnectsTo{0,1} , womlcore:elevation{0,1}
Children gml:boundedBy, gml:dataSource, gml:dataSourceReference, gml:description, gml:descriptionReference, gml:history, gml:identifier, gml:location, gml:metaDataProperty, gml:name, gml:validTime, womlcore:controlCurve, womlcore:creationTime, womlcore:elevation, womlcore:endPointConnectsTo, womlcore:historyInterpolationRule, womlcore:latestModificationTime, womlcore:longInfo, womlcore:metaData, womlcore:shortInfo, womlcore:startPointConnectsTo, womlcore:uncertaintyArea
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gml:id ID required
The attribute gml:id supports provision of a handle for the XML element representing a GML Object. Its use is mandatory for all GML objects. It is of XML type ID, so is constrained to be unique in the XML document within which it occurs.
orientation gml:SignType + optional
<complexType name="AbstractLineObjectType" abstract="true">
    <documentation>Abstract parent type for WOML Objects defined line segments between an ordered set of geospatial points. The points defined in each of the given line segments should be considered as one consecutive array of geospatial points. If there are more that one segment, the first point (in the orientation order) of each of the segments following the first one is ignored (the first and the last point coordinates must always represent the same point). The orientation of the line is defined by attribute "orientation", starting from the first position in the position list and ending to the last position if positive. This may or may not affect the semantics and the rendering of the line object (depending on whether the concrete types have a natural direction or not). If elevation property is given, its value must be added to possible height value of each of the points in the each line segment. If the CRS of the points is 2-dimensional, the value of the elevation should be interpreted as the static height value of each of the given (control)points.</documentation>
    <extension base="womlcore:AbstractMeteorologicalObjectType">
        <element name="controlCurve" type="gml:CurvePropertyType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
            <documentation>This element specifies the definitive geometry of the center line of the given line object in the given CRS. Applications should use this information in rendering the line object when ever possible. The using applications should note, that rendering the line in other CRS (projection) that the given one probably requires a more complex path matching than simply re-projecting the control points. One possible way would be sampling the curve as lineString with appropriate frequency, translating the sampled lineString, and finally fitting a new cubic spline to the sampled and translated lineString.</documentation>
        <element name="startPointConnectsTo" type="womlcore:ConnectionPointReferenceType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
        <element name="endPointConnectsTo" type="womlcore:ConnectionPointReferenceType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
        <element name="elevation" type="womlcore:ElevationPropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
      <attribute name="orientation" type="gml:SignType" default="+" use="optional"/>
Schema location file:/Users/ilkkarinne/projects/woml-core-2012-11-15-schema/src/main/resources/woml/core/2012/11/15/woml-core.xsd
Attribute womlcore:AbstractLineObjectType / @orientation
Namespace No namespace
Type gml:SignType
use: optional
default: +
enumeration -
enumeration +
Used by
<attribute name="orientation" type="gml:SignType" default="+" use="optional"/>
Schema location file:/Users/ilkkarinne/projects/woml-core-2012-11-15-schema/src/main/resources/woml/core/2012/11/15/woml-core.xsd