
Used by
Element womlqty:ParameterTimeSeriesPointType / womlqty:timeSlots
Diagram index0.tmp#id78 index679.tmp#id318 index680.tmp#id317
Type womlqty:TimeSeriesSlotArrayPropertyType
content: complex
Model womlqty:TimeSeriesSlot
Children womlqty:TimeSeriesSlot
<womlqty:timeSlots xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" nilReason="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">
  <womlqty:TimeSeriesSlot gml:id="">{1,1}</womlqty:TimeSeriesSlot>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gml:remoteSchema anyURI optional
nilReason gml:NilReasonType optional
xlink:actuate xlink:actuateType optional
xlink:arcrole xlink:arcroleType optional
xlink:href xlink:hrefType optional
xlink:role xlink:roleType optional
xlink:show xlink:showType optional
xlink:title xlink:titleAttrType optional
xlink:type xlink:typeType simple optional
<element name="timeSlots" type="womlqty:TimeSeriesSlotArrayPropertyType"/>
Schema location file:/Users/ilkkarinne/projects/woml-quantity-2012-11-15-schema/src/main/resources/woml/quantity/2012/11/15/woml-quantity.xsd
Complex Type womlqty:ParameterTimeSeriesPointType
A time series of geophysical parameter values. The contents is divided to
0..n time slots each having a valid time (single or time range) and a set
of parameterValueSets.
This type is better suited for time series data for a single geospatial point
than using a collection of ParamaterValueSetPoint objects, because the
geolocation can be given only once (there is only one feature for the
whole time series).
Note that the validTime property should indicated the whole time span
of the entire time series, while the validTime properties of the
included timeSlots should indicate subranges or single times
inside the entire time series time span.
Diagram index18.tmp#id77 index19.tmp#id71 index20.tmp#id99 index21.tmp#id101 index22.tmp#id105 index23.tmp#id110 index24.tmp#id70 index25.tmp#id69 index33.tmp#id111 index34.tmp#id135 index35.tmp#id68 index36.tmp#id167 index37.tmp#id180 index38.tmp#id189 index39.tmp#id190 index40.tmp#id166 index41.tmp#id67 index42.tmp#id192 index42.tmp#id220 index42.tmp#id221 index42.tmp#id222 index42.tmp#id224 index42.tmp#id191 index43.tmp#id227 index43.tmp#id243 index43.tmp#id66 index254.tmp#id255 index254.tmp#id259 index254.tmp#id267 index254.tmp#id268 index254.tmp#id65 index1223.tmp#id316
Type extension of womlcore:AbstractPointObjectType
Type hierarchy
Used by
Model gml:metaDataProperty* , gml:description{0,1} , gml:descriptionReference{0,1} , gml:identifier{0,1} , gml:name* , gml:boundedBy{0,1} , gml:location{0,1} , gml:validTime{0,1} , gml:history{0,1} , gml:dataSource{0,1} , gml:dataSourceReference{0,1} , womlcore:metaData{0,1} , womlcore:creationTime , womlcore:latestModificationTime{0,1} , womlcore:shortInfo* , womlcore:longInfo* , womlcore:uncertaintyArea{0,1} , womlcore:historyInterpolationRule{0,1} , (womlcore:controlPoint | womlcore:knownPlace) , womlcore:priority{0,1} , womlcore:effectiveRadius{0,1} , womlqty:timeSlots
Children gml:boundedBy, gml:dataSource, gml:dataSourceReference, gml:description, gml:descriptionReference, gml:history, gml:identifier, gml:location, gml:metaDataProperty, gml:name, gml:validTime, womlcore:controlPoint, womlcore:creationTime, womlcore:effectiveRadius, womlcore:historyInterpolationRule, womlcore:knownPlace, womlcore:latestModificationTime, womlcore:longInfo, womlcore:metaData, womlcore:priority, womlcore:shortInfo, womlcore:uncertaintyArea, womlqty:timeSlots
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gml:id ID required
The attribute gml:id supports provision of a handle for the XML element representing a GML Object. Its use is mandatory for all GML objects. It is of XML type ID, so is constrained to be unique in the XML document within which it occurs.
<complexType name="ParameterTimeSeriesPointType">
    <documentation>A time series of geophysical parameter values. The contents is divided to 0..n time slots each having a valid time (single or time range) and a set of parameterValueSets. This type is better suited for time series data for a single geospatial point than using a collection of ParamaterValueSetPoint objects, because the geolocation can be given only once (there is only one feature for the whole time series). Note that the validTime property should indicated the whole time span of the entire time series, while the validTime properties of the included timeSlots should indicate subranges or single times inside the entire time series time span.</documentation>
    <extension base="womlcore:AbstractPointObjectType">
        <element name="timeSlots" type="womlqty:TimeSeriesSlotArrayPropertyType"/>
Schema location file:/Users/ilkkarinne/projects/woml-quantity-2012-11-15-schema/src/main/resources/woml/quantity/2012/11/15/woml-quantity.xsd