
Used by
Element gmd:LI_Source_Type / gmd:description
Diagram index20.tmp#id983 index23.tmp#id951 index24.tmp#id950
Type gco:CharacterString_PropertyType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
Model gco:CharacterString
Children gco:CharacterString
<gmd:description gco:nilReason="">
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gco:nilReason gml:NilReasonType optional
<xs:element name="description" type="gco:CharacterString_PropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
Schema location
Element gmd:LI_Source_Type / gmd:scaleDenominator
Diagram index19.tmp#id994 index20.tmp#id983 index436.tmp#id1516 index437.tmp#id1515
Type gmd:MD_RepresentativeFraction_PropertyType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
Model gmd:MD_RepresentativeFraction
Children gmd:MD_RepresentativeFraction
<gmd:scaleDenominator xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gco:nilReason="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple" uuidref="">
  <gmd:MD_RepresentativeFraction id="" uuid="">{1,1}</gmd:MD_RepresentativeFraction>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gco:nilReason gml:NilReasonType optional
uuidref xs:string optional
xlink:actuate restriction of string optional
The 'actuate' attribute is used to communicate the desired timing 
of traversal from the starting resource to the ending resource; 
it's value should be treated as follows:
onLoad - traverse to the ending resource immediately on loading 
         the starting resource 
onRequest - traverse from the starting resource to the ending 
            resource only on a post-loading event triggered for 
            this purpose 
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in link 
        for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:arcrole anyURI optional
xlink:href anyURI optional
xlink:role anyURI optional
xlink:show restriction of string optional
The 'show' attribute is used to communicate the desired presentation 
of the ending resource on traversal from the starting resource; it's 
value should be treated as follows: 
new - load ending resource in a new window, frame, pane, or other 
      presentation context
replace - load the resource in the same window, frame, pane, or 
          other presentation context
embed - load ending resource in place of the presentation of the 
        starting resource
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in the 
        link for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:title string optional
xlink:type string simple optional
<xs:element name="scaleDenominator" type="gmd:MD_RepresentativeFraction_PropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
Schema location
Element gmd:LI_Source_Type / gmd:sourceReferenceSystem
Diagram index19.tmp#id994 index20.tmp#id983 index1120.tmp#id1303 index1121.tmp#id1302
Type gmd:MD_ReferenceSystem_PropertyType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
Model gmd:MD_ReferenceSystem
Children gmd:MD_ReferenceSystem
<gmd:sourceReferenceSystem xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gco:nilReason="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple" uuidref="">
  <gmd:MD_ReferenceSystem id="" uuid="">{1,1}</gmd:MD_ReferenceSystem>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gco:nilReason gml:NilReasonType optional
uuidref xs:string optional
xlink:actuate restriction of string optional
The 'actuate' attribute is used to communicate the desired timing 
of traversal from the starting resource to the ending resource; 
it's value should be treated as follows:
onLoad - traverse to the ending resource immediately on loading 
         the starting resource 
onRequest - traverse from the starting resource to the ending 
            resource only on a post-loading event triggered for 
            this purpose 
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in link 
        for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:arcrole anyURI optional
xlink:href anyURI optional
xlink:role anyURI optional
xlink:show restriction of string optional
The 'show' attribute is used to communicate the desired presentation 
of the ending resource on traversal from the starting resource; it's 
value should be treated as follows: 
new - load ending resource in a new window, frame, pane, or other 
      presentation context
replace - load the resource in the same window, frame, pane, or 
          other presentation context
embed - load ending resource in place of the presentation of the 
        starting resource
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in the 
        link for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:title string optional
xlink:type string simple optional
<xs:element name="sourceReferenceSystem" type="gmd:MD_ReferenceSystem_PropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
Schema location
Element gmd:LI_Source_Type / gmd:sourceCitation
Diagram index19.tmp#id994 index20.tmp#id983 index61.tmp#id1042 index343.tmp#id1041
Type gmd:CI_Citation_PropertyType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
Model gmd:CI_Citation
Children gmd:CI_Citation
<gmd:sourceCitation xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gco:nilReason="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple" uuidref="">
  <gmd:CI_Citation id="" uuid="">{1,1}</gmd:CI_Citation>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gco:nilReason gml:NilReasonType optional
uuidref xs:string optional
xlink:actuate restriction of string optional
The 'actuate' attribute is used to communicate the desired timing 
of traversal from the starting resource to the ending resource; 
it's value should be treated as follows:
onLoad - traverse to the ending resource immediately on loading 
         the starting resource 
onRequest - traverse from the starting resource to the ending 
            resource only on a post-loading event triggered for 
            this purpose 
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in link 
        for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:arcrole anyURI optional
xlink:href anyURI optional
xlink:role anyURI optional
xlink:show restriction of string optional
The 'show' attribute is used to communicate the desired presentation 
of the ending resource on traversal from the starting resource; it's 
value should be treated as follows: 
new - load ending resource in a new window, frame, pane, or other 
      presentation context
replace - load the resource in the same window, frame, pane, or 
          other presentation context
embed - load ending resource in place of the presentation of the 
        starting resource
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in the 
        link for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:title string optional
xlink:type string simple optional
<xs:element name="sourceCitation" type="gmd:CI_Citation_PropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
Schema location
Element gmd:LI_Source_Type / gmd:sourceExtent
Diagram index19.tmp#id994 index20.tmp#id983 index786.tmp#id943 index787.tmp#id1480
Type gmd:EX_Extent_PropertyType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: unbounded
Model gmd:EX_Extent
Children gmd:EX_Extent
<gmd:sourceExtent xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gco:nilReason="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple" uuidref="">
  <gmd:EX_Extent id="" uuid="">{1,1}</gmd:EX_Extent>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gco:nilReason gml:NilReasonType optional
uuidref xs:string optional
xlink:actuate restriction of string optional
The 'actuate' attribute is used to communicate the desired timing 
of traversal from the starting resource to the ending resource; 
it's value should be treated as follows:
onLoad - traverse to the ending resource immediately on loading 
         the starting resource 
onRequest - traverse from the starting resource to the ending 
            resource only on a post-loading event triggered for 
            this purpose 
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in link 
        for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:arcrole anyURI optional
xlink:href anyURI optional
xlink:role anyURI optional
xlink:show restriction of string optional
The 'show' attribute is used to communicate the desired presentation 
of the ending resource on traversal from the starting resource; it's 
value should be treated as follows: 
new - load ending resource in a new window, frame, pane, or other 
      presentation context
replace - load the resource in the same window, frame, pane, or 
          other presentation context
embed - load ending resource in place of the presentation of the 
        starting resource
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in the 
        link for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:title string optional
xlink:type string simple optional
<xs:element name="sourceExtent" type="gmd:EX_Extent_PropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema location
Element gmd:LI_Source_Type / gmd:sourceStep
Diagram index19.tmp#id994 index20.tmp#id983 index318.tmp#id1503 index820.tmp#id1502
Type gmd:LI_ProcessStep_PropertyType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: unbounded
Model gmd:LI_ProcessStep
Children gmd:LI_ProcessStep
<gmd:sourceStep xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gco:nilReason="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple" uuidref="">
  <gmd:LI_ProcessStep id="" uuid="">{1,1}</gmd:LI_ProcessStep>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gco:nilReason gml:NilReasonType optional
uuidref xs:string optional
xlink:actuate restriction of string optional
The 'actuate' attribute is used to communicate the desired timing 
of traversal from the starting resource to the ending resource; 
it's value should be treated as follows:
onLoad - traverse to the ending resource immediately on loading 
         the starting resource 
onRequest - traverse from the starting resource to the ending 
            resource only on a post-loading event triggered for 
            this purpose 
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in link 
        for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:arcrole anyURI optional
xlink:href anyURI optional
xlink:role anyURI optional
xlink:show restriction of string optional
The 'show' attribute is used to communicate the desired presentation 
of the ending resource on traversal from the starting resource; it's 
value should be treated as follows: 
new - load ending resource in a new window, frame, pane, or other 
      presentation context
replace - load the resource in the same window, frame, pane, or 
          other presentation context
embed - load ending resource in place of the presentation of the 
        starting resource
other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in the 
        link for hints 
none - behavior is unconstrained
xlink:title string optional
xlink:type string simple optional
<xs:element name="sourceStep" type="gmd:LI_ProcessStep_PropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema location
Complex Type gmd:LI_Source_Type
Diagram index16.tmp#id946 index17.tmp#id945 index826.tmp#id1513 index826.tmp#id1514 index826.tmp#id1519 index826.tmp#id1520 index826.tmp#id1521 index826.tmp#id1522
Type extension of gco:AbstractObject_Type
Type hierarchy
Used by
Element gmd:LI_Source
Model gmd:description{0,1} , gmd:scaleDenominator{0,1} , gmd:sourceReferenceSystem{0,1} , gmd:sourceCitation{0,1} , gmd:sourceExtent* , gmd:sourceStep*
Children gmd:description, gmd:scaleDenominator, gmd:sourceCitation, gmd:sourceExtent, gmd:sourceReferenceSystem, gmd:sourceStep
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
id xs:ID optional
uuid xs:string optional
<xs:complexType name="LI_Source_Type">
    <xs:extension base="gco:AbstractObject_Type">
        <xs:element name="description" type="gco:CharacterString_PropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
        <xs:element name="scaleDenominator" type="gmd:MD_RepresentativeFraction_PropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
        <xs:element name="sourceReferenceSystem" type="gmd:MD_ReferenceSystem_PropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
        <xs:element name="sourceCitation" type="gmd:CI_Citation_PropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
        <xs:element name="sourceExtent" type="gmd:EX_Extent_PropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
        <xs:element name="sourceStep" type="gmd:LI_ProcessStep_PropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema location