Concrete Met Object type for jets. Extends the AbstractLineObjectTypeby introducing "segmentMaximumWinds" element.Different values for maximum wind speeds along the lineare given by separating the control curve of the featureinto several segments: each significant change in thewind speed and/or elevation of the jet begins a new curvesegment. Wind speeds and the jet elevations for eachsegment must be given in segmentMaximumWinds property.
The attribute gml:id supports provision of a handle for the XML element representing a GML Object. Its use is mandatory for all GML objects. It is of XML type ID, so is constrained to be unique in the XML document within which it occurs.
<complexType name="JetStreamType"><annotation><documentation>Concrete Met Object type for jets. Extends the AbstractLineObjectType by introducing "segmentMaximumWinds" element. Different values for maximum wind speeds along the line are given by separating the control curve of the feature into several segments: each significant change in the wind speed and/or elevation of the jet begins a new curve segment. Wind speeds and the jet elevations for each segment must be given in segmentMaximumWinds property.</documentation></annotation><complexContent><extension base="womlcore:AbstractLineObjectType"><sequence><element ref="womlswo:segmentMaximumWinds"/></sequence></extension></complexContent></complexType>